Eric J Shires


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Life is art live it beautifully and have as much fun as you can, because it is also short. Also be as spiritual as you can because the word spirit comes from the latin word spiritus, which means to breathe, and how can you live without breathing. Love life and Love yourself!
HighSchool: West Lincoln High School
Music: I love anything that moves me and that stretches across vast arrays of music. Most favorite band is Pearl Jam. Favorite artist/poet is Jim Morrison.
TV: Discovery channel-Watching TV u might as well learn something
Books: Khalil Gibrans' The Prophet, and Sun Tzus' The Art Of War.
Sports: Is drugs and sex a sport??? I think so. Hell I'm gonna light the SUPER BOWL...
Movies: My favorite movie is the original Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. It was a visually stunning movie for the time when it came out, I think it portrayed almost every kids fantasy.
WhatImInto: Art first of all. Reading and aquiring as much knowledge as I can. I'm almost always camping and hiking. I love nature.
MyBestFeatures: I definitely think my best feature is my heart, closely followed by my mind. I'm also definitely a goodlooking man, but I'm definitely not vain or conceited.
MyDreams: My dream is to definitely make a living at what I love to do, which is art. I also want to build a totally green home, because owning my own home, that I know makes as little impact on the environment as possible is a must.

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