Rude R9


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    Didn't say
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    Didn't say


I am not perfect...I am not imperfect...I am constantly evolving...I am always looking for ways of bettering myself...Be it positive people in my life...or being that positive person in someones life...
HighSchool: Bolingbrook High School
College: Westwood College Chicago Du Page
ElementarySchool: Fulton Elementary School
Music: all over the place....4sure not one type limited...
TV: CUBS games...wwe..Hell's Kitchen..seriously do not watch too much tv...
Books: I read alot....seriously AAAA..LOT
Sports: CUBS...BEARS...
Movies: I am a film viewing whore...whatever is out chances are I will see it...
WhatImInto: working on my car...hanging with my peeps...loving life..CUBS in the Spring and Summer..God willing in the Fall...Bears in the Winter...
MyBestFeatures: Loyalty,Great sense of humor, witty, charm, positive, patient, confident, hard allows me to play harder..I like the fact when my name is mentioned smiles appear...
BestFeatures: my heart...
MyDreams: live each day as it is my last...I believe in loving passionately...or not at all...I believe..sometimes good guys can some how finish first...I want to make the most of my short time here...I know I have the potential to do and not settle for wanting...
Dreams: Keep on Living....

What I am looking for

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