9Daniel H29666


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I know I'm a big guy. The funny thing is that with big guys comes big lives and hearts. I don't what some might say a hot model chick. There is nothing to hold on to. I don't want some skin and bones sleeping next to me. Marylin Monroe is now to be considered overweight. I say the curvier the woman the more I like that woman. My favorite poem is one set of footprints in the sand and when I ask God why am I alone? Ill remember that he is carring me and that im not alone in this world. I am and will be seeking a christian woman to share my love and life and faith with. I will not compromise on this. I think that when two people who have common interest come together it will last a lifetime. I have compromised myself lately and im not saying never but I will say that I want to serve God the best I can. Oh yes true believers and non believers, as a christian I am flawed and as my pic shows in more ways than one. lol I am not and will never clame to be perfect. Thats not what being a christian is about. Its simply following what God tells u to do with ur life. Thats where u find joy and love and peace. God Bless
College: Metropolitan Community College
Music: Incubus, Sidewalk Prophets, Lenny Kravitz, and various country artists oh yea and if u hadnt guessed switchfoot
TV: oddly enough The Office
Books: Anthony Bourdane's The Nasty Bits, has truth but is very much in your face maybe to much so. a good one is LuLu's Provencial Table. that is a good book
Sports: The Steelers i love my steel curtain boys but i dont condone what ben rothlessburger did i believe he needs to grow up. Gotta love my boys and the red sox theyll break ur heart but its worth it. lol
Interests: First things first God comes before all.Going to school, anything having to do with being a chef, and a big steelers fan. If your not into God then just roll on cause I believe and go to church every sunday that i dont work. everything else i can work around. lol
Movies: Sam Elliot, anything Clint Eastwood, and Tom Sellick, fireproof was awesome, facing the giants is a must see
BestFeatures: My best feature would have to be my love of food and laughter. but im told that my eyes are my best feature.
Dreams: Become a Master Chef some day. I know thats shooting for the moon. But its my dream

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