8Maria S988


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    Didn't say


im pretty laid back most of the time.... :)
Music: My music really depends on my mood..... usually my ipod is just on shuffle...
TV: TV: I love south park, the mentalist, family guy, futurama, TNG, Now for something completely different, Man V Food... pretty much anything on discovery channel... or history channel.... iknow im such a nerd omg
Books: love Jodi Piccult, Augusten Burroughs, Edgar Allen Poe, Ernest Hemingway, Anthony Burgess, O' Henry, the list goes on and on... love to read :)
Sports: Im a Texas girl with Texas teams... Cowboys = football the love of my life Astros= baseball. Go Mavericks!!
Interests: i love trying new things and pick up a new hobby every month... this month im trying out pottery.... not working out too well though
Movies: Favs include..... Rose Red, Grandma's Boy, Gattaca, Identity, Ghostbusters, Taking Lives...etc... movies that sucked donkey balls... Tucker must die, Gigli,
BestFeatures: ummmm eyes and boobs i think lol
Dreams: hmmm tell ya later

What I am looking for

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