LeighAnn T88


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My name is Leigh, I am 27 and I moved to the LA area last year from Pittsburgh. I came out here for two reasons: First, this is a great place for my mom to retire to as Angelinos rarely find themselves shoveling multiple feet of snow in single-digit-degree weather. Since we are best friends, she will likely retire wherever I put down roots. Reason number two is that when I graduated from undergrad, I ran away to Italy and lived as an illegal immigrant for a while for some adventure. When I returned I was told that my pre-med requirements had expired and that I would have to retake them. Awesome. Living and working in Southern California for 366 days means a post-bac program that would cost $9K versus $70K back at Duquesne. Thus allowing me to fulfill my dream of becoming the female Quincy without risk of Sallie Mae and similar loan sharks breaking my kneecaps.
HighSchool: Langley High School
TV: Lost
Books: I mostly read non-fiction, though I just started Madame Bovary because I'm apparently going through high school English class withdrawls.
Sports: Tom Brady
Interests: Play sports, go to dog beach, read, drink wine, cook.
Movies: Zombie movies
Dreams: Italy (all of it), Corsica, Nice, Ireland (all of it), Manhattan.

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